Beginner trying to learn a language

Hello everybody.

I'm a native English speaker from the USA and over the past few months I've been really interested in a specific language. However, it is very hard to find any information on this, as I believe this language isn't widely used anymore.

The language I'm trying to learn is Mongolian. More specifically, Mongolian script. My understanding goes such that old Mongolian script used by the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan and the following generations was abolished I'm the 1940s and replaced with a Cyrillic alphabet.

I've searched for days and I haven't found anything that looks like a starting point for learning. I'm fairly certain that its still possible to learn it, as I've seen multiple videos on YouTube and other places using the script, but its hard to find a starting point.

Thanks for any help everyone.

submitted by /u/Ecchievements
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from ようこそ | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
