Any other options for my language learning?

I’m currently learning Dutch on two separate resources. (I have been for the past 10 days and am really enjoying it) These resources are Duolingo and a book called “Dutch in three months” by Jane Fenoulhet. My goal is not to become fluent just yet, that’s too high of a goal right now, so I’m looking to become conversational in the Dutch language and be as good with reading and writing. Reference to the B2 level.

While Duolingo is good for learning to formulate simple sentences and somewhat simple and (necessary?) vocabulary, I realise that it has flaws and it must be supplemented with some other form of learning to make my learning as effective as possible.

The book I have “Dutch in three months” is good, I’m currently on week two and can already tell it will be great for content as within the first 30 pages I’ve already learned a lot that wasn’t on Duolingo. Mainly grammar and more realistic sentence forming.

Can anyone suggest any other methods of study? I have a PlayStation 4 so I could potentially join a Dutch community but I don’t want to be learning anything that could potentially mean something bad. Is books the way to go or do I need more of a practical approach?

submitted by /u/Lord-Lamb
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