Synonym to “area of expertise”?

Hi. I’m an English learner and there’s something that’s driving me crazy so I though I’d ask here.

I learned this expression “per te” which means “area of expertise” or “something that one excels at” from, I think, some novel I read years ago.

And I’ve been using it all these years, in sentences like “piano is not exactly my per te but I can give it a try.”

But few days ago a Canadian friend of mine, who majors in English literature, asked me what I meant when I said “per te” and when I explained she said she never heard of it before.

So I tried to look it up on google and I couldn’t find the English definition of it! I didn’t get much result and the little of what I found were all irrelevant to the definition I knew.

So I started thinking maybe I remembered it wrong when I first encountered with the expression.

Does it ring any bell to anyone here? Or there’s something similar in Latin or Italian maybe?

It’s been driving me crazy and I hope someone can help me.


submitted by /u/GreyTuxedo
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from Γειά σας | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
