Reading Strategies...

So lately I have been reading Olly Richards' Short Stories in Spanish for beginners. What I have been doing right now is I will have my book out with the audio of it playing on another device. When I see/hear something I am unfamiliar with, I pause and write it down, and I try my best to guess the meaning of the word (with out looking it up yet). The only issue I am having is that this takes a long time, and I only get through maybe 3-4 pages top in a 30 minute session.

Would it be more useful to read through with no stopping first, then go back and pick out the unknown words/phrases? Or vice versa? I'm really interested about reading strategies and what you guys do when reading in a foreign language. Any tips or advice is also much appreciated.

submitted by /u/thegeckomaster
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from Jó napot kívánok| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
