Relearning a language after years of disuse? Dual Immersion Bilinguality


I am a native English speaker that had Spanish immersion from age 4-10 and supplemental classes from 10-16. I then took Latin for my final 2 years of high school in the US.

Regarding the immersion program in my elementary and preschools, it was a system initially designed to teach native Spanish speakers' children how to become the native English speakers that their first-generation parents were unable to reach. The schools taught half of its classes in English and half in Spanish, alternating daily, and it was about a 25-75 split between whether a conversation would be held in either Spanish or English respectively outside of lessons. I remember dreaming in Spanish and having my inner monologue switch languages based on the context of an activity.

But now after many years of speaking English almost exclusively, I've found that I've fallen to a borderline B1-B2 when having to produce my own Spanish spontaneously. Comprehension-wise, I still am able to understand the majority of a conversation between friends, and can read Spanish more easily than I can listen.

I've set my phone and computer to Spanish as their default language, and insist on watching at least 1 Spanish YouTube video for every English video that I watch, but when I am put on the spot, I get anxious and none of it comes back to me. What should I do?

submitted by /u/BillNyeTheBelgianSpy
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from Yá'át'ééh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
