Languages with clear pronunciation

I have just started Learning German one week ago. I am sure I will encounter my fair share of difficulties but let me here for once praise the language: compared to the other two languages that I managed to master as a non-native so far (English and French) and compared to the one I tried and put on hold (Mandarin), German has a really nice and clear way of pronouncing words, so that as soon as I learn a new word I can understand it even in the middle of a sentence which I do not understand as a whole.

This is definitely not the case for English and surely also not the case for French, at least when spoken at Parisian speed. Mandarin I will not even get started, given how alien the tonal system is for a European like me.

What are in your experience the "easier" languages for listening comprehension? Where by easier I mean that you can pick up words when listening even if you understand very little.

I guess Spanish is one and I guess Italian another one (my native Language, so I cannot judge on that), but I wonder how much the perception is influenced by the listener's native language sounds and cadence.

submitted by /u/Alav81
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from Yá'át'ééh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
