Lack of Translation/English Dominance

This isn't specifically related to language learning per se, but it's a question that has popped up on my road of language learning.

A few weeks ago, I set my preferred video game to European Spanish to help practice while I play. While most everything was translated (maps, guns, objectives, et cetera), not everything was. All the expansions of the game, as well as the game itself, kept their English names. Rather than "Ellos No Pasarán" or "Apocalipsis," they were kept as "They Shall Not Pass" and "Apocalypse."

This got me thinking. This wasn't the first time I had noticed something like this. I noticed that the old Star Wars films were translated into German as "Krieg der Sterne: (subtitle)," whereas the newest one is "Star Wars: Die Letzten Jedi." They didn't bother translating half the name!

So, to all those on this sub who don't speak English as a first language, does this stuff ever bother you when it appears? Maybe I'm just nerdy and pedantic, but it seems quite lazy to me. I'd love to know what you all think.

submitted by /u/P99AT
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from Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
