How to efficiently learn Spanish in a month?

Hi! I took a month off to seriously learn Spanish, simply for the sake of wanting to learn a new language / future travel. I only speak English and an Asian language.

I spent 2 hours per day in the past 5 days to learn about some vocabulary like color, food, numbers, common verbs, basic rules of conjugation.

I have 30 days left and I plan to have 3 hour 1:1 Spanish lesson per week. I want to know how to make good use of my everyday learning at home such that it could lay a good foundation for me to maintain the learning (eg can understand 70% of what newspaper/TV talking about, can carry some conversation on iTalki) after I get back to work.

Eg should I start from learning more vocab? Should I start from memorizing the common expressions, or learn about the grammar?

submitted by /u/bananatree123
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