Dilemma with choosing French or Spanish

Hope y’all can steer me in the right direction.

I’ve been learning Spanish on duolingo for the past three months and while I’ve seen progress in literacy my ability to converse is awful and my pronunciation sounds really unnatural (I can’t roll the r’s in perro to save my life). I love the language but it just sounds horrible coming out of my mouth.

I seem, though, to have a knack for French pronunciation. I’m Cajun and I grew up with grandparents speaking it although I never learned myself.

My dilemma is essentially whether to learn Spanish, which is more widely spoken and valuable for my career, or French, which I have an easier time with naturally, as well as a cultural connection.

What would you do?

(I live in the US and would be learning continental French btw)

submitted by /u/zackduh
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